Today I released a new version of my JavaScript Design-by-Contract Library (dbc). As well as documentation and other minor improvements the two big new features are:
MakeConstructor generates a constructor from a spec. The constructor validates that the created objects meet the spec. ie
var Person = dbc.MakeConstructor({
name: [{validator:'type',args:'string'}],
age: [{validator:'type',args:'number'}]
Person.prototype.canDrive = dbc.wrap(function () {
return this.age > 16;
}, null, [{validator:'type',args:'number'}]);
var p = new Person('John', 22);
p.canDrive(); // true
Wrap returns a wrapped function that applies ‘specs’ validators to the functions arguments and ‘returnSpec’ validators to the return value. eg
var add = dbc.wrap(function (f,s) {
return f + s;
}, {
// validators for the first arg
0: [{validator:'type', args:['number']}],
// validators for the second arg
1:[{validator:'type', args:['number']}]
// validators for the return value
[{validator: 'type', args:['number']}]);
Dbc is available on github or via npm
npm install dbc