One year ago I built an application data storage library, called PostgresDoc. The intent was, and is, to support document db semantics on top of relational databases. I have since renamed the project to SqlDoc to acknowledge that it now works with Postgresql and Sql Server.
The strengths of SqlDoc compared to a dedicated document db are:
- works with your existing database server
- proper, multi-document transactions
- supports joins
- supports a hybrid document / relational model
- easy to project to flat views for reporting and ETL
The strengths of SqlDoc compared to a relational database are:
- simple programming model
- No object / relational mapping
I heard that people like the IDocumentSession
API from RavenDB so I’ve added it to SqlDoc. This will make life easier for people who want to do data access via a component provided from an IoC container.
Creating a session
var _documentSession =
new DocumentSession<Guid>(SqlConnection.From(connectionString));
Adding a document
var _aDocument = new PersonCs
_id = Guid.NewGuid(),
Name = "Docsesh",
Age = 90,
FavouriteThings = new[] { "Golf", "Statue of liberty" }
_documentSession.Store(_aDocument._id, _aDocument);
Updating a document
_aDocument.Age += 1;
_documentSession.Update(_aDocument._id, _aDocument);
Deleting a document
_documentSession.Delete(_aDocument._id, _aDocument);
Persisting the unit of work
Load by id
var fresh = _documentSession.Load<PersonCs>(id);
Load by query
var result = _documentSession.Query<PersonCs>(
"select data from PersonCs where Data.value('(/FsPickler/value/instance/idkBackingField)[1]', 'uniqueidentifier') = @id",
new Dictionary<string, object> { { "id", _aDocument._id } });
Why you don’t need to put IDocumentSession in an IoC container
Rather than making your application code take a dependency on IDocumentSession consider instead having your application code returns its results, and then do your data access. That way there is a neat separation between pure application code responsible for logic and calculation and external integration code that does integration with external things like file systems and databases.
Here is the traditional way:
public class MyApp
public MyApp(IDocumentSession documentSession) {}
public void DoThing() {
documentSession.Store(new Thing());
To test that we need to mock documentSession.
The alternative is to keep the persistence plumbing out of your application:
public class MyApp
public static Operation DoThing() {
var thing = new Thing();
return Operation.Insert(thing.Id, thing);
// consumer
UnitOfWork.Commit(connection, new Queue<Operation>(MyApp.DoThing()));
This separates the calculation and the logical result of adding a new Thing()
from the mechanism of doing so. To test DoThing()
just call it and inspect the result.